Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Success Sharing - Counting on Sign

As most of you have read, Alexander is learning sign language. I have reasons for this (and if you want to know them, read them on About) and for the longest time "I love you" has given him grief. He finally has it down though, and he loves it! If we're talking on a car ride and he finds himself making the sign he screeches and has to show everyone. As a two and a half year old, he knows how to say food, more, A-L-E-X, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, please, ball, and sorry. We've chosen words that he is likely to use daily, but since he's in "the terrible two's" we don't really push the signing when he's in a mood. However, he is an incredible learner and can actually recognize his name.

He can also officially count! For a long time, he would just rattle off the numbers but now takes pride in the counting of things. Tonight he was picking up Connect 4 pieces and counting them. He was picking up his trucks and counting them as he put them away. While learning to count, as opposed to just knowing the numbers, we're trying to show him how to make the numbers on his fingers. He already knows "1" and "2" since he's been those ages and often holds them up when he answers the question "How old are you?" but since he's almost closer to three than two, we have to keep working at it.

These success stories are hopefully just the start, as we begin our journey in this crazy world called "homeschool."

Within the next couple weeks we'll probably start letters. I know that some parents pick a random letter to start with, but since his name starts with an "A" that's where we'll start...

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