Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Starting From The Beginning

We started our letters this week. We've made little progress, but I assume it is because we have not fully dedicated ourselves to learning each letter.
Instead we've been reviewing some signs (working on basketball, thank you, and a few others), shapes, and singing songs. I'm okay with that. Sometimes I just have to remind myself that he is only two, and we have time.

We have also been working on reading together, and even attending church regularly.  This coming Sunday will be mine and Alexander's 4th week of attendance. I try to avoid taking him to the nursery, in an effort to acclimate him to quietly playing/coloring when others are talking and the process of prayer. At two, he does as well as can be expected, provided he has a snack and a beverage to hold him over.

He was invited to attend pre-K Sunday school, and most days he really likes that. I decided to return to my church because I wanted to get a support system in place for both Alexander and myself/my husband... you never know when you are going to need it. As a homeschooler I'm trying to keep my son involved in activities that are age appropriate,  but keep him interested.

It was reassuring to meet a homeschooling child at church last week. She is 13, although she looks much younger, and her family chose to homeschool for financial reasons. I think it reassured my husband that it will work out, and we can do this. I think he's growing on this idea of it, but I need him to be fully supportive of it before we "go public" as he will need to be prepared for the stigma that some traditional schoolers will backlash with. I know I can do this, I know he can help do this, but he needs to know he can do it. Public school system has left my husband battered and feeling uneducated, or if you ask him "stupid." He's not.  The man has an incredible amount of common sense and could hold shop out of his backyard.
Here's to our journey, what advice can you provide?

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